
Ep 12: Sonic Attack

Andy Hood & Matt Longstaff Season 2 Episode 2

Do not panic!

Hawkbinge returns with the long-awaited Sonic Attack episode. The record label has changed, so has the line-up and so has the music. Ginger has gone. So has Tim. And Keith, whoever he was. But Mike is in! And so is Martin! And the band are talking and sounding tough. What will Matt make of this much harder-edged variant of the Hawks?

Do not waste time blocking your ears!

In this episode Andy & Matt look back on the new releases from 1981, , choose tracks for the Master and Sessions playlists on Spotify and take a good look at who is occupying the Hawkwind drum stool these days...

Your only protection is flight!

And, of course, they deep-dive into the music of Sonic Attack and generally think only of themselves…

Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.1 playlist on Spotify

Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.2 playlist on Spotify

Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.3 playlist on Spotify

Click here for the Hawkbinge Master playlist, also on Spotify. 

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