Hawkbinge is a journey through the astral plane that is the Hawkwind discography one album at a time, presented by an established fan and a first-time listener.
Ep 23: Stories From Time And Space, Back To The Nexus
The Hawkbinge Release Day Reaction Pod crew assembles to give the hottest of red-hot hot-takes on the latest from the Hawks, "Stories From Time And Space", which dropped today! A journey in time for us for sure, from 1992 where Hawkbinge was last seen - it's good to give the DeLorean another run out.
Please note: Andy, Matt and Joe have managed to give the album a couple of listens, jumped on a Zoom call and then handed over to Matt to madly edit this together so we can drop it on the day, so it may sound a little rougher than usual. Also remember that this is a pretty instant reaction, not a deep-dive, and it will be very interesting to see how we come back to this when we reach the last few episodes of the canon studio album deep-dive episodes.
Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.1 playlist on Spotify
Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.2 playlist on Spotify
Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.3 playlist on Spotify
Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.4 playlist on Spotify
Click here for the Hawkbinge Sessions Vol.5 playlist on Spotify
Click here for the Hawkbinge Master playlist, also on Spotify.
We truly appreciate all the tweets, messages, ratings and comments, and if you'd like to get in touch, you'll find Hawkbinge here: @hawkbinge on Twitter and Insta, and email podcast@hawkbinge.space
Check out the Deep Dive Podcast Network @DeepDivePodNet on Twitter.